Melissa Panarello, la autora de "Los cien golpes", se encuentra presentando en España su tercer libro, "En nombre del amor. Carta abierta a Camillo Ruini", una apología en forma de ensayo por el laicismo en Italia. Respuestas en italiano con subtítulos en castellano.
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Hace 1 día
ey,gracias por enlazar..creia que nadie iba a coscarse del video...Podias haberte currado un poco el texto,no?jajajja Da igual :p saludos de un agnostico
ResponderEliminarnotable me encanto apesar que que talvez lleve años publicado me encanta esta mujer solo que aun no encuentro sus otros 2 libros aparte de los cien golpes
ResponderEliminarun abrazo si alguien sabe donde podre encontrarlos les dejo mi mail
de chileeeeeee
gracias a toos atte adrian
que rica eres mami saludos de Peru
ResponderEliminarJust a thought, Where are the men? Where are all of the orgy men, where are all of the lesbians and transvestites that you say you had sex with? After all of these years not one orgy guy has come forward to share in your lime light? Men, particularly Sicilian/Italian men are notoriously famous for revealing and bragging about their sexual escapes and yet not one single man has come forward to brag about having sex with the famous Melissa Panarello?
ResponderEliminarMelissa Panarello, prove it. Where are all of the men you had orgies with. Men are notorious for their sexual stories and you have been rich and famous for many years - and not one single man has said, Hey I'm one of orgy guys! Where are the lesbians, where are the transvestites? Where are they Melissa Panarello?